6 Methods to Improve Your Memory


It is normal to have a few moments of brain fog now and then.

However, if it’s affecting your daily life, it is important to take notice and take the appropriate actions to remedy the problem.

While memory loss is not always preventable due to genetics and age-related conditions, you can slow mental decline and improve your memory.

Here are six methods that can help improve your memory:


Eat A Proper Diet


If you fill your diet up with processed foods and unnatural sugars, then you will likely experience memory problems.

These foods lack the essential nutrients your body and brain need to keep functioning.

In fact, they promote inflammation, which leads to memory impairment and other health issues.

Foods such as blueberries, avocados, fatty fish, and greens are all proven to improve memory.


Play Brain Games


Exercising your brain, just like you do the rest of your body, is very effective.

In fact, some might say that mind exercises are essential to staying healthy and fully functional.

You can do this by playing brain games that challenge your memory, speed, attention, flexibility, and problem-solving skills.

Crossword puzzles, quickly solving math problems, obstacle dodging, and fitting shapes into other shapes are all examples of brain games.

Research shows doing these activities for just fifteen minutes a day can significantly improve brain function and memory.

Lumosity is a great resource with loads of information and brain games to play.

Practising another hobby or learning a new instrument are also great ways to exercise your brain.


Avoid Drugs & Alcohol  

Especially if you are experiencing noticeable brain fog or memory problems, it’s best to avoid all drugs and alcohol, and they only provide inflammation leading to further damage.


Studies show that drinking obsessively or even weekly can damage the brain’s hippocampus, which is vital to memory function.




Proper and moderate exercise improves overall physical and mental health.

Research supports that exercise improves memory function by increasing the secretion of neuroprotective proteins.

These proteins help grow and develop neurons that improve overall brain health.


Get Enough Sleep


The role sleep plays in health is clear.

Poor quality sleep can lead to problems with memory.

If your sleep quality is poor, you are more likely to make mistakes or forget important things.

This is because sleep gives you time to process information.

 In fact, scientists believe that when you learn something new and sleep, the brain transfers the information to a more permanent and proficient part of the brain.

Plenty of studies support this theory, as well.

These studies support a quick nap after you learn something goes a long way too.

Most professionals recommend seven to nine hours of sleep for ultimate brain health.


Manage and Reduce Stress


Stress can hinder brain function and lead to serious health complications by destroying brain cells and damaging the hippocampus.

Meditation, reading, or going on long walks out in nature are great ways to manage and reduce stress.

Finding ways to laugh like watching comedians or listening to others laugh can go a long way in reducing stress as well.

In the end, to improve your memory, you need to work on it.

Your brain is a powerful tool that needs continual exercise, sleep, and nutrition to keep your body and mind functioning fully and at their best.



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