How to Increase Your Power to Manifest


Do you want to have a powerful life-changing transformation in your life?

Sometimes the manifesting process can seem a bit daunting.

One minute you are told that all you ever need are 3 simple steps

but even after applying those steps you realize that something else is missing.

The Manifesting Secret that Few People Know

You have tried visualization, you have tried affirmations, you have tried vision boards, all with little results.

The whole process makes you feel like the little engine that could.

You huff and puff but all the while you are moving uphill with great effort instead of flowing like a river.

That’s because there is a powerful manifesting science that must be understood.

That secret is the power of accumulated energy.

Energy is power.

It is the energy, emotion, and intention that accelerate your ability to manifest.

The Power to Generate Magnetism

The more good energy you have within you with your intentions the more power you generate.

You can create a core magnetic charge that literally pulls your desires to you with very little effort.

Rather than working or going out to get what you desire you can literally become magnetic to your desires and watch as your desires come to you.

This Kills Your Dreams

This lack of understanding of the principles of manifesting causes many to get quite frustrated.

They start off by trying to create a vision board,

they do affirmations but somehow they know that something is missing and soon enough they fail to create the results at all.

The secret is that they have not generated enough of a charge towards their desires.

Those people who insist that manifesting requires hard work

do not understand that the human body and mind can work like a magnet

creating an energy of magnetic energy that sucks their desires towards them.

Magnetism backed by an increased power draws the right people,

the right circumstances with little physical effort on your part.


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