Arthritis Pain Relief and Supplements


What You Need to Know

Do you suffer from arthritis or know someone who does?

For arthritis sufferers, pain becomes a fixture in their life.

Over-the-counter medications do provide relief but are short-lived.

As soon as the medication wears off, the pain returns.

There is hope though.

For many, that hope comes in the form of natural and dietary supplements.

Just a sample of the supplements that can provide relief include devil’s claw, ginger, stinging nettle, flax, and ASU.

You now know that some herbal and dietary supplements can provide arthritis relief.

Your first thought may be to run to the drug store.


Before you make your purchase, there are a number of things you should know about these supplements.

Some herbal, dietary, and natural supplements counteract over-the-counter and prescribed medications.

For that reason, medical advice is strongly advised.

Talk to a medical professional.

This should be a primary care physician or at least a pharmacist.

The goal of supplements is to relieve arthritis pain and discomfort, not create other complications.

If you are worried about discouragement, don’t ask if a supplement will work.

Instead, ask if it is safe to take with your medications.

Remember there is no cure.

You can treat arthritis, but it cannot be cured.

For that reason, stay away from any supplements with the claim.

You will waste your money.

These supplements can reduce the pain, inflammations, sleep difficulties, and decreased mobility associated with arthritis, but that is it.

Plenty of products outright state this; do not opt for one that lies.

These herbal supplements are not worth putting your health at risk.

As previously stated, some supplements counteract over-the-counter and prescribed medication.

If you are in severe pain, you may be willing to make the switch.

You may stop taking your diabetes medication to take devil’s claw, and so forth.

This is not recommended.

Never stop taking prescribed medication.

Once again, speak to a healthcare professional.

Many supplements provide relief and are safe to take.

Your doctor can advise you on which supplements are best.

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