As I Lay Me Down To Sleep …


What do you do before you go to sleep at night?

I don’t mean brush your teeth and change into your nice blue pyjamas with the little white sheep on.

I mean what do you do in your head?

Do you think about anything specific?

The next day?

The day you’ve just got through?

Or do you tap into an incredibly powerful part of you and set it to work,

so that it gets the whole night to work on things for you.

When you wake up you have answers to questions you asked?

I bet you’d like to know how to do that wouldn’t you?

Well, the good news is, it’s simple, so easy, even I can do it!

Ok, I’ll tell you … here’s the secret.

When you go to sleep at night,

It is only your conscious mind that sleeps.

Your sub-conscious mind keeps on working.

If it went to sleep, you’d have a few problems as it controls important things like your breathing and heart!

So naturally, it keeps working and is “awake” all night long.

Now your sub-conscious mind just happens to be rather good at processing information and connecting random dots to make works of art.

So when you go to sleep,

focus your mind on the things that are bothering you

and ask your sub-conscious mind to help.

Naturally, I decided I was going to experiment with this on myself and see what it would do.

For a number of weeks I used to say this to myself every single night when I put my head on the pillow,

before I went to sleep.

“I ask my sub-conscious mind to work on all of my issues and challenges in life and replace them with positive, empowering programs.”

I did this for a couple of days and to be honest, I didn’t really feel much.

I decided to keep it up because I was curious what would happen if I did and if it really would be effective.

Anyway, about day 3 or 4 I started to feel a bit perkier than normal.

I found myself feeling a bit more positive,

more bouncy

and I started to do things that I had been putting off for ages (and by ages, I mean months!).

I didn’t really think anything of it,

but kept my experiment up.

About a week after I started I was feeling really good and very bouncy and full of life.

Again, I thought nothing of it, not connecting my pre-bedtime intention with this change.

Then one day a friend happened to ask me if I’d been taking happy pills

because I was annoyingly positive and then it hit me.

Every night for the last ten days or so I had been setting this intention and gradually I had been feeling better and better.

It wasn’t a massive change all of a sudden, just a series of small changes.

I smiled at my friend and jumped around very excitedly sharing with her what I had been doing and the results it was having for me.

Of course, she was really excited and has been doing exactly the same every night since

and is still shocked by how such a little thing is having such a big difference.

So, when you go to sleep at night as you set your alarm clock,

set your intention too,

and wake up and feel the difference!


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