9 Reasons you may be Gaining Weight Unintentionally


Do you know that it’s possible for you to gain weight

Well, it’s possible.

It could be quite frustrating when you can’t understand why you’re gaining weight.

There are a couple of factors that come to play in making you gain weight unintentionally.

Surprisingly, lack of sleep is one of these factors.

Research has shown the role lack of sleep plays in helping you
gain weight,

While diet remains to be the leading cause,

You should also be aware of the other reasons.

1. You consume too many highly processed foods.
Yogurt, frozen fruit, and oats are some of the several healthy
foods that are minimally processed.

On the flip side,

Unhealthy fats, preservatives, added sugars, and a slew of harmful ingredients are packed in microwave dinners, fast food, and sugary cereals that are highly processed foods.

Several studies have shown that the United States and different countries
worldwide suffer a rising increase in the rate of obesity due to highly processed food.

Foods that are highly processed tend to make us feel full because of the high calories they contain, but they do lack vital nutrients like fiber and protein.

2. You eat too much sugar.

Do you know that your waistline can be easily enlarged by sweetened coffee drinks, iced tea, ice cream, sports drinks, soda, cakes, candy, and a host of other
sugary foods and beverages?

Several studies have associated sugar intake with a high probability of being vulnerable to chronic illness such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

This is to tell you that excess intake of sugar can open doors for some
chronic illnesses,

besides the fact that it can cause weight gain.

To ease the process of reducing weight, you should try to reduce
your level of sugar consumption.

3. You have a sedentary lifestyle.

To start with, you should understand what a sedentary lifestyle means.

A sedentary lifestyle is the kind of lifestyle where there’s no form of exercise
in your routines.

Examples of sedentary activities include using a computer or phone, driving, watching TV, and working a desk job.

Several studies have linked some chronic diseases and weight gain to inactivity.

However, you can make a huge difference when you make some adjustments to your lifestyle.

These adjustments could range from riding your bike to work and investing in a standing or treadmill desk to walking during your lunch break and walking after dinner.

4. You engage in yo-yo dieting.

Whenever you try to lose weight and maintain it, but as time goes on, you gain weight again, this cycle is what’s referred to as yo-yo dieting.

Studies have shown that individuals have a high propensity to gain
weight over time with this pattern.

Additionally, some studies have mentioned that changes in hunger and fullness hormones, which are results of the body’s physiological responses, can lead
to future weight gain from restrictive eating and dieting.

Simply put, it’s been proven that making yourself go through restrictive
dieting may bounce back at you and make you gain more weight
in a few years to come.

Due to this, it’s best you shift your attention to sustainable lifestyle changes if you desire to keep weight off long term.

Acts like eating nutrient-filled food, reducing processed and sugary foods, and exercising can help.

5. You have an undiagnosed medical issue.

Some medical conditions do play a role in contributing to unintentional weight
gain, irrespective of other probable lifestyle factors.

Here are some of these medical conditions:

Binge eating disorder (BED).

Weight gain and a host of other health complications are the consequences of this disorder.

People who have BED find it difficult to control their overeating tendencies, and thus, they become vulnerable

Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

This is a condition that can make it difficult for you to lose weight and make you
gain weight.

Women who are of reproductive age are often affected by this medical condition that’s marked by hormonal imbalances.


Obesity and weight gain have been linked to this common mental condition.

• Hypothyroidism. This condition also may make it difficult
for you to lose weight and cause weight gain because it affects
your thyroid gland.

• Other conditions. Weight gain has also been associated
with Cushing’s syndrome and diabetes.

Aside from these medical conditions, you can also gain weight
through antipsychotic drugs, antidepressants, and a few other

If you feel your medicine is making you gain weight,
it’s best you speak to a health professional.

6. You don’t get enough sleep.

As funny as this may sound, lack of sleep can contribute to your weight.

Though it could seem somewhat confusing, studies have shown that weight loss can be aided by increased sleep time.

While weight gain can be triggered by insufficient sleep, it’s best to get adequate sleep because it’s essential for your well-being and overall health.

You can try going to bed at a consistent time, reduce your caffeine intake, and limit your screen time before bed if you have poor sleep quality.

7. You don’t eat enough whole foods.

When you choose to eat highly processed foods, you ignore the healthy foods you should eat.

To improve several aspects of your health and promote weight loss, an effective way to go by is by going for a diet that’s rich in whole foods.

When you choose to prepare most meals at home,

go for nutrient-dense foods,

eat nutrient-filled and whole,

minimally processed foods,

and reduce your intake of refined carbohydrates, trans fats, and added sugars.

Maximize your vegetable intake and you’ll be able to lose and maintain a
healthy weight.

But if you do the opposite, you may keep adding more weight.

Seeds, nuts, eggs, beans, fruits, and vegetables are some of the nutrient-dense whole foods you can add to your diet.

8. You’re stressed out. Strange?

Stress has proven to be a factor that can help promote weight gain.

The psychology behind this is that when some people are stressed,

they tend to consume highly palatable, calorie-dense foods,

and the result is usually weight gain.

Studies have shown that people who have a high stress level tend to feel very hungry because of cortisol, which is the stress hormone.

And in pursuit of trying to satiate their hunger, they end up eating unhealthily.

Weight loss can be promoted by stress management, and you should consider
practicing relaxation practices to reduce stress.

9. You eat too many calories.

This is, of course, one of the most obvious reasons for weight gain.

However, what makes it less obvious is that most people don’t know the number of calories contained in the food they eat.

You have a high chance of gaining weight if you burn fewer calories per day, compared to the number of calories you gain daily.

If you’re struggling with overeating, you might want to consult a registered dietitian, and this professional can help you determine your calorie needs.




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