Search Results for: health

Vitamins for Healthy Aging

  Healthy Aging with Vitamin and Supplements   The aging progression in our bodies is an on going thing each day of our lives. Bringing the clock to a standstill is out of the questions so we need to take care of ourselves on a daily basis. It is a known fact that as we […]

Common Reasons for Stress

Stress can be caused by various factors, and people experience it differently. Stress negatively effects your digestive system, brain functions, reproductive system, immune system as well as increases the risk for heart attack and stroke. Plus, stress speeds up the aging process Here are some common reasons that can contribute to stress: Work-related stress: Heavy […]

Unclogging fat from your pancreas the KEY to beating diabetes

Discover why unclogging fat from your pancreas is the KEY to beating diabetes…and how to do it eating simple, delicious foods like coffee, butter, avocados, and dark chocolate. Diabetes is a widespread and increasingly prevalent health issue that affects millions of people worldwide. While there are various factors that contribute to the development of diabetes, […]

Cardiovascular Support

SUPER REDS CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE VIDEO Help improve blood flow by increasing our body’s production of Nitric Oxide, Boosting blood circulation Supporting brain and cognitive function Sexual health Heart health Immune function Helping to maximize your body’s overall health! In addition to its benefits for blood flow and circulation, Organic Super Reds also […]

A Scarcity Mindset May Affect Your Self-Compassion

  Having a scarcity mindset can lead to a lot of unhealthy and unpleasant effects in your life, One of the worst is its ability to undermine your sense of self-compassion. Here are five ways in which a scarcity mindset can have a negative impact on how you treat yourself: Self-Criticism and Perfectionism A scarcity […]

Don’t Overprotect Your Child

Allow Your Child to Express Emotions Every child needs to experience overcoming obstacles in order to become more positive about their ability. Even if your child currently has a hard time with their emotions over these issues, you can’t prevent them from having roadblocks to overcome. Being optimistic does not mean that normal emotions cannot […]

Raising An Optimistic Child

As a parent, you want to try to raise your child so that they have the best chance to live a purposeful life full of happiness. However, since life has its ups and downs, how do you do that – especially if your child happens to have the “pessimistic gene”? What it is to be […]

Exercise … Boosts Your Self Confidence

We would all like to feel good about ourselves When we are confident, we feel better emotionally and mentally. This reflects in a very positive way in our behaviors. It improves our quality of life, everything from personal relationships to our professional endeavors. Therefore, anything, which can help boost our self-confidence, is good for us. […]

Live Good

Most people are deficient in one or more vitamins or minerals. Unfortunately, the foods we eat just don’t have enough of the vitamins and minerals our bodies need to maximize our immune systems, strengthen our organs, and help our bodies perform at their best. It’s also the reason why so many people get sick. The […]

How Diet Affects Your Focus and Concentration

Your body is like a machine with many parts working together to make that machine run smoothly. Your brain is the central part of your machine. It’s only 2% of your body weight, but it uses over 20% of your body’s energy. While it may carry out millions of tasks each day to keep your […]